
Julie Stella teaches technical communication courses at the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology in Indianapolis. She is the director for the Technical Communication Program and course coordinator for over a dozen courses. 

Ms. Stella began her career as a software engineer and consultant in MN before moving to the east coast and beginning grad school. Her MA degree is in Tech Comm from MN State University, and her doctoral work is in Special Education at George Washington University in Washington DC, where she also worked as an education researcher. She completed additional graduate work at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore MD, which focused on applying research from the fields of cognitive science, developmental science, and neuroscience to K-16 education practices. 

Ms. Stella is immersed in STEM education as the writing and communication instructor for engineering and technology students. She draws on her 12+ years of software development experience to make writing relevant for STEM students at the university. She is passionate about Universal Design for Learning, accessibility of course materials, usable design, and equity in education. She has written and published in the areas of online education, writing pedagogy, STEM education, and special education. She is a lifelong learner and is always seeking ways to improve her teaching practice.
Ms. Stella’s research interests include digital inclusion, instructional technology, inclusive design practices, accessibility, and engaged learning. 

Selected Publications

Stella, J., & Higbee, S., & Miller, S. (2022, August), Thinking Beyond the Service Course Model: Intentional Integration of Technical Communication Courses in a BME Undergraduate Curriculum. Paper presented at 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN.

Stella, J. & Corry, M. (2017). A capability approach for online primary and secondary students with disabilities. British Journal of Special Education, 44(4), 448-464.

Stella, J., & Corry, M (2016).  Intervention in Online Writing Instruction: An Action-theoretical Perspective. Computers and Composition, 40, 164-174.


  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
  • Online Learning
  • Instructional Design
  • STEM Education in Higher Ed
  • Accessibility in Educational Design
  • Trauma-sensitive teaching


  • Equity and inclusion
  • Curriculum development
  • Implementation science